Wednesday, November 12, 2008

To my disappointment

Quite a few people have asked me when my half-marathon is, which is this Saturday. Last week I had to go see a neonatologist for my level II ultrasound. The baby looks great, everything is healthy and growing like it's supposed to. I just happened to mention off hand to him that I was running a half-marathon in a week and a half. He was NOT happy with that. He told me that I couldn't do it! He said that my body will start sending all of my blood to my leg muscles, instead of the baby. So, no more 13.1 miles for me! I'll have to do it at this time next year. It will just be tough then, because any time I run too hard when I'm nursing, I lose my milk. At least I've had something to keep me in shape during the beginning of this pregnancy! Hopefully I will lose my baby weight even faster than I did with Kate and Luke! So, there's an update for anyone who was wondering. The race is on hold for now. I will do it! Maybe I'll do a full marathon since I won't be pregnant! I'm sure I'll start with the half then work up from there!


Kindra said...

So sorry you can't run your half marathon! It will be better next year anyway, right? Your kids look so adorable in their costumes, and I can't believe how hot you are! Even at 20 weeks pregnant! You amaze me. :)

Thompson Family said...

Hi Amanda, I've just made my blog private for safety reasons. Let me know your email address and I will put you on the list of people who can view! My email address is brittanycornelius at

Karson said...

I will be thinking of you when I run my half marathon in january. It is partly because of you that I am doing it. Thanks for your inspiration.
