Friday, May 23, 2008

Here is Kate playing with "little tiny baby Kaitlyn" as Kate calls her. We had another friend named Katelyn that we call baby Katelyn, so Kate all by herself started calling this Kaitlyn, little tiny baby Kaitlyn. She LOVES babies. If she ever gets any younger siblings, I'm sure she will be a HUGE help with them!
Kate getting a haircut! She was so excited to have it done!
We had a great time having a picnic in our back yard. It's amazing how fun it can be to just throw a blanket down and take lunch outside! I forgot the after pictures for Kate's haircut, so here is one!Everyone was SO messy (including me after Luke was climbing all over me) after watermelon, PB & J's, and chocolate chip cookies (the chocolate chips were TOTALLY melted), but we sure had fun!!

Kate tells everyone that we have a pirate ship at our house. She is sure that the fort in our swing set is a pirate ship, because her dad put a steering wheel in it.

Luke would swing all day long if I was willing to push him. I've never seen a kid who loved swinging so much!

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