Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A Day for Gratitude

Yesterday was a really hard day around here. We received many concerned phone calls, and I want to say thank you to every one! For those of you who don't know, here is a link to an article:


A B-52 crashed just off of Guam. It had six crew members on board, one of which was a flight doctor who was stationed in Guam. The other five crew members were stationed here at Barksdale and were deployed to Guam. Three of them were Randy's squadron mates, two of which he knew well. Our hearts and prayers are with the families who have lost their loved ones.

It was a day for us to be so grateful for what we have. That so easily could have been Randy there. It is his squadron deployed. The co-pilot was one of his peers in the squadron-- they graduated from pilot training together, did their B-52 training together. . . It just makes me SO very grateful for my husband's life. It makes me ache for those who have so much uncertainty right now. Especially since only one person (that we know of yet) has been identified. The other five are still listed as unknown. So please keep the family of those crew members in your thoughts and prayers. I can't imagine what they are going through.

Randy and I were talking last night. He spent his entire afternoon (for the second time) trying to get the alignment done on my van before I drive it to Dallas again. I spent the entire morning having new tires put on it so the alignment could be done. We were getting a bit frustrated about the whole situation, then Randy pointed out, "We shouldn't be so upset. We could be having a lot worse of a day today". I am grateful for the blessing of my family being in tact!

On a happier note. . . Kate has successfully slept 2 nights with no pacifier! HURRAY! I have felt so guilty for almost two years about her still having one. But first Luke was being born, so I didn't want to take it away. Then we were moving, so I didn't want to take it away. Then she finally started sleeping through the night when she turned two (She's only been allowed to have it in bed, so I didn't want to take away the allure of bed). Then we were traveling a lot. Then Randy was gone for a while, then we were traveling, then we moved again, then Randy got deployed. . . the list goes on. I just couldn't ever justify taking it. One night while Randy was in Guam, instead of a story for bed, she and I sat down at the computer and she picked out a toy she wanted the paci fairy to bring to her. I told her the paci fairy wouldn't come until Dad got home from Guam. The other day, she decided she was ready for the paci fairy to come (because she wanted the toy she had picked out). Randy wasn't very sure about her doing it. He was trying to persuade her not to. . . We tried it the first night with her going to sleep with it, then the paci fairy took it in the night. That wasn't a good idea. She was up for about an hour and a half in the night because she was so upset about it being missing. So the next night we went to sleep without it. Now she's SO proud that she's a big girl without it. She is proud that she can swim all by herself (with a life jacket) and that she has no paci. Last night was the first night of normal kid things. She was out of her bed about ten times before she finally went to sleep. It just made me laugh.

Hopefully our day will be a little brighter today. It's cleaning day for me!! I'm trying to get ready to be out of town for 2 1/2 weeks. The kids and I are headed to Spokane for a week, then we're going straight to Arizona for another week and a half. Hopefully we'll actually stay home for a while this fall!!!

This was seconds before he tipped backwards and smacked his head REALLY hard. It was so cute because he was playing in that basket for a good 15 minutes. That's a long time for Luke to hold still!
Kate wearing Randy's helmet. He was supposed to fly with the reserve squadron the next day, so he had to bring his stuff home to take it with him.

Hopefully she won't ever become a fighter pilot. Luke didn't have any desire to put it on.

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