Sunday, October 19, 2008

What a weekend

Randy took leave this entire last week. It was really fun for us to have him around, but it went by WAY too fast!!

On Wednesday (after my shocking ultrasound) we drove to College Station. Early Thursday morning, Randy and I got up, kissed our kiddos goodbye and headed to Dallas for a long, VERY LONG day. While the kids were playing with Grandma and Grandpa, we went to the temple, did LOTS of shopping, and went to the BYU vs. TCU football game. Wow, was that depressing! It was a very sad way to end a great day! It was embarrassing to walk out of the TCU stadium with BYU shirts on. What a game. . . we were planning on staying in a hotel since we didn't get to our car until almost 11pm, but we decided that we were too depressed to spend anymore money on the day. So we headed back to College Station, arriving at 2am. Poor Randy. I couldn't stay awake on the way home! Luke had been up for an hour in the night, so I was VERY out of it by the time midnight rolled around. Plus, we stayed up late playing games with Randy's parents that night. . . so there were a couple of things working against me. Thankfully, he got us back to College Station in one piece, and we got to sleep in (all the way until 8:30! WOW!) the next morning, thanks to Grandma! The kids had a great time playing at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Kate was given Beary, her classroom Teddy Bear to take on our trip this weekend. He has a journal that you're supposed to fill out and bring back with pictures of the weekend's events. Here are a few of the pictures we took.

This is at the Fall Festival on base. I told Kate that had better be the only time I see her in a police car!

Firefighter Kate. Luke wouldn't climb up because he was so ready for a nap. It was really sad, because he LOVES firetrucks!

Our regular stop at the zoo in Tyler, TX on our way to College Station. Luke couldn't take his eyes off the tiger that was RIGHT against the fencing. I think he was a little nervous!

Kate LOVES the giraffes at the zoo. Here's a picture of my baby belly!

Us before the disappointing football game!

Kate and Luke making Halloween pictures with Beary.

Teaching Beary how to roast marshmallows.

Kate and Luke are enjoying the campfire.


Alison said...

Of all the games to go to! So sad. Your kids are still so cute! Can't wait to see your next baby!

Anna said...

I loved the pictures! I am excited for you to have a girl. You have SUCH cute ones! And WHAT "baby belly" were you talking about? I was looking for it, but there isn't much there. You don't even look pregnant in these pictures. I love you!

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