Sunday, November 9, 2008

Our Halloween and our new baby girl!

No, I didn't have my baby early, we just have ANOTHER new addition to our family. We had a very fun Halloween! Kate was Aurora from Sleeping Beauty (since the movie has newly come out, she was insistent that was what she would be), and Luke, well, he boycotted Halloween that morning. So he wore an orange shirt to be at least a little festive. We spent the whole morning helping out at Kate's school with their Fall Festival. Then we went trick or treating at 5pm (that's when base trick or treating starts, it was so nice to go so early!). For trick or treating, I was able to convince Luke to wear part of his turtle costume from last year (he was supposed to be a really cute lion this year, but he FREAKED out when I put the pants on him for the costume).

Here's Luke before his hair was done, but he's at least in his orange shirt. Kate was SO excited that she got to wear make-up to be Aurora.

Here's Kate at school waiting in line to start their parade.

We only got a few pictures with Luke in his "costume". It was WONDERFUL weather! It was about 80 degrees, sunny, and so comfortable!

Kate was getting annoyed that her hair kept sticking to her lip gloss. I told her to get used to it, that it happens all the time to Mom! Here's an inadvertent picture of my ever expanding baby belly, too! Luke didn't care at all about candy. He just wanted his cheddar bunnies.

Here's our new addition, Kathryn. Kate is the one that named her. She is the SWEETEST little kitty I've ever seen. We got her on Saturday afternoon about 5 minutes before we had 5 extra kids come to our house. As of yet, she hasn't scratched ANYONE! Not even accidentally. She is so cuddly, but still very energetic.

She lets Kate play with her claws, push her around in the doll strollers (although, that doesn't usually last long, she'll just jump out), put her to sleep in the doll beds, etc. She is SO nice!

Kate got a line from the first Madagascar movie, where Gloria says that a critter is so cute, she wants to dunk it in her coffee. Well, all on her own, Kate came and told me on Saturday, "Mom, Kathryn is so cute, I could just dunk her in my coffee!" I got a good laugh at that, then told her that we don't drink coffee, but she could dunk her in her hot chocolate. Kate and Kathryn were very disappointed when they couldn't sleep together last night. Dad wants to make sure Kathryn doesn't have any potty accidents first, (which she hasn't, I love how cats are so good at potty training themselves!) then told Kate they could sleep together. We love our new little baby!!!

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