Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm really not dead. . .

I can't believe how long it's been since I've been on here. Life has been crazy! Kate started school last Friday and she LOVES it! The only problem is that she loves to sleep in, so some mornings we have a hard time getting her out of bed to get ready for school. She feels really big that she gets to go.

I've really enjoyed the one-on-one time I've gotten to spend with Luke while Kate has been in school. I haven't ever gotten any individual time with him, so we've had a great time.

We had quite the week last week. Hurricane Gustav was supposed to be this major ordeal. As I'm sure most people know, the entire coastal region of Louisiana was evacuated. A lot of evacuees came here. Randy spent the entire weekend working in a Red Cross shelter translating for them. There was a large immigrant population that was Spanish speaking. Then we had a lot of the week off because the storm was supposed to be gigantic (we've had regular thunderstorms worse than Gustav, it just stayed here for a really long time). On Tuesday, we were at the Honda dealership here in town and I slipped on their painted curb and fell HARD! It was not a good thing. I spent the night in the ER, was told I may lose the baby, etc. I went to the OB the next day, and he said everything is fine. Great! Major crisis averted. I've just had one giant headache ever since I fell.

Speaking of my OB, today I had a regular visit. My OB has this awesome little portable ultrasound machine. Instead of using a doppler to listen to the baby's hear beat, he just does an ultrasound every time. So today he was looking at the baby and it jumped SO high. My OB thought it was the funniest thing because he said he'd never seen a baby at my gestation jump so high. It jumped 3 inches! He said in comparison, it would be the equivalent of an adult doing a Michael Jordan sized jump. Needless to say, this is going to be one active baby! I told my doctor at the beginning of my appointment that I've already been feeling the baby move around. He looked at me like I was crazy, but then totally believed me once he saw how active it is! I had Luke with me and we were showing him the baby on the screen. I wouldn't be surprised if this is another little brother and he's just anxious to keep up with his big brother!

I'll post more pictures later. I need to go be a mom and fix dinner.


Lil Lancaster Fam said...

Wow sounds like you have been busy! I am glad everything is okay with baby after that fall! And hope mom is okay too! I fell a few months ago while holding Anna and landed really hard on a hard bathroom floor. I was pretty bruised up and sore but baby was still kicking like crazy so I never went in. It is scary stuff! Are you guys going to find out what you are having this time or make it a surprise?

Sherrie said...

Hey Girl,

Boy you had me so scared as I read you post. All I could think of was your accident when you were pregnant with Luke! I am so glad to hear that you are okay! I have been thinking about you guys and wondering if you faired okay with the hurricanes! It looks like you guys are going to share the rain with us this time around with Ike.
Take care of your self!

BTW,You have been tagged! To see what you have to do, check out my blog.

Love ya