Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Watch Day

So yesterday was "Watch Day" at Kate's dance studio. The last 15 minutes of class, parents are allowed to come and sit in the studio and watch their dancers work. It was SO cute!! I was worried Kate wouldn't dance with me in there, but she was thrilled that I was in there, with a camera at that! Here's a little video clip I took:

I'm happy now to know what they've been working on so I can help her. Her class is a little bigger than I would like, so she doesn't get quite as much individual attention from her teachers, but she loves it SO much! They are starting tap next week, which I can't wait to see!


Sherrie said...


I can't believe how much Kate looks like you! She is a great little dancer!

Brady and Berta said...

That is one of the funniest things!!! I love it when little girls learn to dance. Their little bodies moving so disjointed cracks me up.

The Jen said...

Priceless Amanda, priceless.

We miss you guys!