Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Kate's Birthday

We had SO much fun at Kate's birthday party. I was absolutely worn out after our two days of celebration, but it was well worth it. She is STILL talking about her birthday party, now a week later.

Tomorrow I have a doctor's appointment, which is a good thing. Alyssa has dropped at least four inches. I started noticing something was funny when all of a sudden my pants didn't fit. I thought that was odd, but just put on a different pair of pants (I chalked it up to too many Super Bowl snacks!). Then I went to rest my hands on my belly, right on top of her bum, and it wasn't there anymore! I started pushing around, and noticed that it was almost even with my belly button!!! Randy thought I was crazy. Then when he went to give me a hug this morning, he realized that my belly was very differently shaped than it had been. Hmm, guess I'm not crazy after all! We'll have to see what the doctor has to say tomorrow! I'm headed to Arizona all week next week for a grown up week by myself! Randy is taking the week off work and staying home with Kate and Luke. This baby needs to stay in for a while longer. I know she isn't ready to come out yet!

Here's my future Elder Todd. He looks so cute with his new haircut. He looks like a little missionary!

We celebrated Kate's birthday as a family on the day before for Family Home Evening. She requested fancy macaroni and cheese and roasted broccoli for her birthday dinner. She ate more broccoli than pasta, which obviously I wasn't complaining about.

Her new dress from Grandma Thomason. She loves it!

What was Luke doing while Sissy was opening up all of her boring girl birthday presents? He was reading books. When he realized there wasn't going to be much he would care about, he was gone. All boy!

Kate is in love with her singing birthday card that Grandma Thomason sent to her. It has "disappeared" for a while, because I was done hearing it. Noisy toys don't bother me much, but I heard that one a lot. I'm sure it will resurface again soon and Kate will be thrilled.

Luke went to work right away putting together a puzzle that Kate got.

Here's Kate in her birthday princess skirt. It is the most gigantic, pouffy thing, but it is SO cute on her!!!

This is our pink castle cake that had to have pink sprinkles and pink candles. It didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it to. . . but she LOVED it, so that's what matters! It was the last thing I did to get ready for the party, and I was already beat my the time I started frosting it. Oh well!

The girls all made princess hats and princess necklaces at the party. Here's my cute birthday girl!

Kate loved opening presents two days in a row. What a fun birthday!


Brady and Berta said...

She is so fancy! I am so excited for her! Her little face just looks so happy. I am SOOOOOOOO excited to see you! Hooray!

Anna said...

What cute pictures! I am glad the party was fun and that you made it through. Lukey cracks me up! He is sooooo all boy! Randy doesn't mind THAT, we know. Have fun in AZ!