Friday, March 6, 2009


I'm really upset right now. . . I can't find my camera! I'm freaking out for two reasons: I can't stand the idea of being this close to having a baby and not having a camera! Plus, there were lots of pictures on it that needed to be put on my computer still (the danger of having a big memory card). So I haven't dropped off the face of the Earth. I've just been getting things ready for Alyssa to come (our room looks more like a baby nursery than a master bedroom). We moved Luke out of his crib into a twin sized bed. He's doing really well with it. It was rough for the first couple of days, but he seems to be very adjusted now. We moved the crib into Kate's room (I'm not ready to give up my upstairs playroom yet-- it sounds ridiculous to have them sharing a room when we have an extra bedroom upstairs, but she'll be in a bassinet in our room for a few months still.)

So that's it for us! I'm on weekly doctor's appointments now. My doctor is going to start checking me at my next one. My next-door-neighbor is due four days before me. We go to the same doctor; he already checked her, and she's dilated to 1cm. I'm not getting my hopes up, but it would be nice if I was, too!!! I SO hope I'll go into labor. I know that I'll at least have her by April 20th (that's the very last day he'll let me go before getting induced). So there's at least some sort of light at the end of the tunnel!!! I'm actually feeling remarkably well. No complaints! I just wish I could sleep through the night. I keep waking up for like 2 hours at a time each night.

I'll at least post again after my next appointment (Wednesday) if there is any progress.

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