Friday, October 10, 2008

It's a. . . . . .

I know I've already posted today, BUT! I had another ultrasound this morning, and it's a BOY! He was being SO funny! He even did a headstand for us at one point! He was sucking his thumb most of the time. That would be a change from the two paci babies we've had! I've been feeling all along like this was another boy-- he is just non-stop!!!!! So I thought I'd share the news with everyone. Hurray! Here is a cute video of my two boys together today. Luke thinks he needs to do EVERYTHING that Randy does. He even holds his hands the same way as his dad does during prayers, etc. It's short, so enjoy!


Sherrie said...

Congrats! How exciting for Luke to have a little brother to play with!

Brady and Berta said...

That is such a cute video. I need to learn how to put video on mine. Hooray for baby brother!!!

Alison said...

Oh YEAH! I am so excited for you guys! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Hey lady, I am so excited about your news! I'm sitting here with packers in my house, so I'm catching up on everyone's blogs. Congrats on the baby boy! The video of dance class is just precious too, btw! Try to survice the NSI! :)