Monday, July 14, 2008

Summers are the best

I know I'm a little behind at posting 4th of July pictures, but I'm finally doing it. We spent the 4th in College Station, TX with Randy's family. We did fireworks on Thursday the 3rd at Randy's parent's land, then on the 4th we went to the George Bush presidential library in College Station for their huge firework show. On the morning of the 4th we went to a ward breakfast with Randy's parents. There was a parade that kids decorate bikes and strollers, then "parade" around the church parking lot. Grandma and Kate decorated our stroller, so Randy paraded with them.

We were all so worn out the next day when we got home to Shreveport. Our next adventure begins in a couple of weeks when I head to Spokane with the kids to hang out with the Whites for a week. We are VERY excited for that trip!! It is so sad to me that my kids only know very few of their MANY cousins. Fortunately, they will become better acquainted with four more of them!

My kids are excited that tonight is family home evening. Why? Because we get family home evening treats. My poor deprived children! Oh well, I guess that's what Monday nights are for!

Luke held still for a picture!!!!!!!!!!

Kate was helping Dad dig a hole to make the firework box level by Grandma and Grandpa's pond.

Manliness at its best. . .? They had been playing king of the hill on top of the log. Then they started doing arabesque's for Kate. I had to get a picture of that one. . . This is Randy and his younger brother Ryan.

Luke really didn't care about the sparklers. He just wanted to go to bed.

Kate was the only kid doing sparklers, so she got to do them two at a time.

Out of all of the fireworks that Grandma and Grandpa had, Luke was the most fascinated with Grandpa's flashlight.

A family to-do of Roman candles

Everyone parading around the church parking lot. Luke was mad because the sun was in his eyes.

Watching the fireworks at the George Bush library on the 4th.

This was the first time Luke had ever had an ice cream cone. We had been eating corn on the cob for dinner, so he was insistent that he needed to eat it in the middle like corn (I had to work really hard to teach him how to eat corn last summer-- that we eat it in the middle and not from the top). He ended up dumping his ice cream out, but he didn't care. He just ate the cone and was happy.

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