Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Alyssa's Blessing

I can't believe Alyssa's already three weeks old! It really is true that the last month of pregnancy goes by the slowest, and the first month of the baby's life goes by the fastest! Alyssa is still a great sleeper and a very peaceful, content baby!

We blessed Alyssa on Sunday, and it was wonderful! Her daddy gave her the most beautiful blessing! We had lots of family here to celebrate, which was lots of fun. Kate and Luke had tons of fun playing with their cousins Caleb and Emma. We were very sad to see them go home!!!

We have yet to do pictures of just Alyssa in her blessing dress. When we do, I will post those. We got a few pictures on the day of the blessing, but it was a little crazy. Here are a couple of the decent ones. The wind was blowing really hard and the sun was bright. . . so not many turned out really well.
The whole group-- Luke wasn't too thrilled about not going to class. He made a mad dash for nursery as soon as Sacrament meeting was over. Randy had to go get him out and he was very mad!!!!

Awesome big sister! She was excited to hold Alyssa in her fancy dress.

The sun was a little bright. Luke only wanted Randy's phone, but was still screaming the entire time.

Two cute cousins picking dandelions together.

The closest to a decent family picture we got that day!

Another try at a family picture.

All the guys and one cute lady!

Grandma Thomason, Kate, Alyssa, and Amanda


Kindra said...

Your beautiful little family! I love your family photos, they make me feel a little more secure in mine and that everyone always has their attention directed at something else. I guess I am not the only one that finds it a difficult task to just take a picture! You look great, by the way. :) Tell your mom hi for me!

Cristina said...

i found you guys :) what great pictures! such a cute family!