Sunday, April 27, 2008

I survived the weekend!

I can't believe that I actually survived this weekend. I'm SO tired!! I've been three nights in a row with five hours of sleep or less. I'm headed to bed, but I just wanted to say that I made it! We had a great BYD here tonight, our first with our new bishop. He really loves the kids, and they really respond to having a young, down to earth bishop. He is great to work with from the standpoint of my calling. We have a new stake president (which is what caused us to get a new bishop, because ours was called as the 1st counselor in the stake presidency), and he cut our ward budget by $2000 for the year. I was nervous about how much our budget was going to be cut, and shared my concerns with the bishop. He assured me that he couldn't make any difference in the amount of the overall ward budget, but that he would see to it that the YW had plenty of money in our budget. So, we JUST got our new budget today, (we were told it was being cut about 2 1/2 months ago. . . .) and what did our new bishop do? He took our budget from before, and gave us even more money!!! He REALLY wants to make sure that the YW have a great budget to work with. I'm thrilled about that!!!

We had a fun time hosting two girls from the BYU-Idaho symphony band. It was so fun to get to see them perform! They were all such amazing musicians! Kate thought it was too loud, but Luke was enthralled!!! He sat and danced the ENTIRE TIME!!! It was very cute. After the performance, some of the kids came down and were talking to the people in the audience. One girl came straight to me and told me how much she loved watching Luke dancing the whole time. She said she was so impressed that he kept time to the music during every song. I hadn't noticed that, but she said she kept watching him the whole time. I thought it was cute. He definitely loves music!!!

I'm off to bed so that I can do another long run in the morning. I've eaten more garbage this weekend with parties, guests, more parties and guests. . . I need to do at least another 5+ miles in the morning to get rid of this!


Natalie Jane said...

Man! You are a busy "single" mommy!

I am in Spokane and I was looking out my backyard at your old house and wished I could walk over for a little capture the flag with the Thomasons. Where do the years go?

The Todd Family said...

Wouldn't it be so nice to have some of those carefree days back?! I would love it. . . .