Sunday, April 6, 2008

We're finally in the 21st Century

Hi everyone!

After MANY comments from people that I needed to make a blog (and you know who you are), I finally have! Part of my aversion to one is the name (who came up with it, anyways?!). With Randy on the other side of the world, and me holding down the fort here in Louisiana, I thought it might be a nice way for everyone to see what's going on with us. We'll see how well I can keep it up!

The kids and I loved watching General Conference today. Kate is really into "testimonies". Anytime anyone said something about a testimony, she would say, "Mom, you have a testimony, and *I* have a testimony". She's learning what a testimony really is, but I feel blessed that she is so eager to be a part of the gospel, even just based on the good feeling that her little three-year-old heart gets.

Randy is ever enjoying his tropical vacation (he hates it when I say that, so I'm sure I'll hear about that one). I'll see if I can get him to post his flying and beach pictures on here. We're still keeping our fingers crossed that he will be able to come home in June; there is still a chance he won't be home until December.

Luke has accomplished catching every flu virus he's been exposed to. Hopefully I can keep him home for a few days, and we won't have any more fevers or vomit! The lovely life of a mother!

I am just continuing to run and run. Even though I'm staying in the same place (my treadmill), it is still fulfilling, and feels like I can run away for a while.

I hope everyone enjoys this. I'll try to get pictures up as soon as possible.

1 comment:

Alison said...

Yeah! I am so glad you are doing one! Your kids are darling!