Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day. . . but where's our Dad?!

Today was a sad Father's Day for me. We miss Randy so much, and it's sad that he just barely missed being here for Father's day. Oh well, only three more sleeps!!! Speaking of sleep, I'm planning on actually getting some tonight. I've only gotten 4 1/2 hours each night for the last two nights. I don't want to get sick just before my cruise. For the first time in my life, I was having a hard time staying awake during church-- Young Women's of all places!!!! My kids are in bed, and I'm off to go there myself. I fell asleep while I was rocking them tonight before bed. I had both kids on my lap and we were rocking in the dark and singing. I think all three of us fell asleep. Luke usually cries himself to sleep in nursery every Sunday, but today he didn't! So, he had NO nap today. Kate could have used one, too. We're all very tired. I hope Wednesday comes quickly!!!

Here are some cute pictures from the week:

Before church this morning (notice the domino in Luke's left hand-- he has my cell phone in his right hand. He was "talking" to Dad)

Kate is insistent that she is a cowgirl when she wears my red collapsible colander on her head. She thinks she's Jessie from Toy Story 2.

Kate thought we needed to take a picture of Randy while we were chatting online with him last night.

Luke always has to run up to the camera and say, "CHEESE!!!" as loud as he possibly can. It's frustrating when I'm trying to get some candid pictures. The second he sees the camera, it's Captain Cheese.

Kate has a horse she has been working on for almost two weeks now. It's one of those little bead ones that you melt with the iron once they're finished. It kept getting messed up last week, so this week she's actually almost done with it!

I'm summoned to come look at how well she's doing about every thirty seconds while she's working on it. It gets a little tiresome, but she's so proud of it!

1 comment:

Brady and Berta said...

Is she done with her horse yet? Inquiring minds want to know...